EUDR: Donau Soja podržava članove i partnere u implementaciji

EU uredba o deforestaciji, ili EUDR, podrazumeva sledeće:

Od 30. decembra 2024, proizvođači, prerađivači i trgovci sirovinama soje, palminog ulja, gume, kakaoa, kafe, govedine i proizvoda od drveta na tržištu EU moraju dokazati, kroz definisan proces dužne pažnje, da je njihova roba proizvedena bez deforestacije (datum preseka 2020) i u skladu sa nacionalnom legislativom zemlje proizvodnje, i da to potvrde izjavom o dužnoj pažnji (DDS). Mora postojati sledljivost za proizvode sve do polja, uključujući podatke o geolokaciji. Sledljivost kroz lanac snabdevanja smatra se neophodnim kako bi se dokazalo da soja ne vodi poreklo iz područja gde je nedavno bilo krčenja šuma.

Kao član EUDR Ekspertne grupe, Donau Soja ima mogućnost da razmotri otvorena pitanja direktno sa Evropskom komisijiom i da najpre o tome obavesti naše partnere, kako bi se što bolje pripremili.
Međutim, sledeće informacije nisu pravno obavezujuće i mogu biti podložne prilagođavanju tokom procesa, kako nove informacije od Evropske komisije postanu dostupne.

Osnov za donošenje uredbe

Evropska unija uvozi milione tona sirovina godišnje, zbog čije proizvodnje su iskrčene šume u drugim delovima sveta. Samo za stočnu hranu uvozi se oko 35 miliona tona soje godišnje, uglavnom iz Južne Amerike, gde se šume i drugi vredni ekosistemi, u nezamislivim razmerama pretvaraju u obradivo zemljište. Prema FAO, 90% deforestacije na globalnom nivou uzrokovano je širenjem poljoprivrednog zemljišta. Zbog složenosti globalnih lanaca snabdevanja rinfuznom robom često ne znamo njeno poreklo. Međutim, studije pokazuju da je EU drugi najveći uzrok krčenja šuma na globalnom nivou. Ovde na scenu stupa EUDR: Složeni lanci snabdevanja treba da se razdvoje, tako da možemo da isključimo nedavno posečena područja iz lanca snabdevanja EU i da kupujemo samo od proizvođača koji ne krče šume.

Datum preseka za deforestaciju

Kao datum preseka za deforestaciju definisan je 31. decembar 2020. godine. To znači da će područja na kojima je bilo krčenja šuma od 1. januara 2021. godine biti isključena iz lanca snabdevanja EU.

EUDR ide dalje od zakonodavstva u zemljama uzgoja: Čak i površine na kojima je bilo legalnog krčenja šuma u zemlji uzgoja nakon 31. decembra 2020. godine će biti isključene iz lanca snabdevanja.

Mala i srednja preduzeća

Mala preduzeća su u obavezi da primenjuju EUDR od 30. juna 2025. godine.

Trgovci malih i srednjih preduzeća mogu plasirati relevantne proizvode na tržište samo ako dokumentuju informacije o kupcima i prodavcima, uključujući referentni broj DDS, i čuvaju ih pet godina. Ukoliko DDS za relevantni proizvod već postoji, mala i srednja preduzeća ne moraju da završe ceo proces dužne pažnje, već samo da proslede referentni broj postojeće DDS.

Mala preduzeća su preduzeća koja ispunjavaju jedan od sledeća tri kriterijuma (prema EU Direktivi 2013/34/EU – Član 3):

  • Ukupni bilans stanja: EUR 4,000,000 / Neto promet: EUR 8,000,000 / Prosečan broj zaposlenih: 50

Srednja preduzeća su preduzeća koja ispunjavaju jedan od tri sledeća kriterijuma:

  • Ukupni bilans stanja: EUR 20 000 000 / Neto promet: EUR 40 000 000 / Prosečan broj zaposlenih: 250

Provere i kazne

Nadležni organ svake zemlje članice EU je odgovoran za proveru uvoza i izvoza u i iz zemlje. Za uvoz iz zemalja niskog rizika, 1% relevantne robe i operatera će se kontrolisati svake godine, za zemlje sa standardnim rizikom 3%, a za zemlje visokog rizika 9% operatera i robe.  

Kazne mogu iznositi do 4% prometa kompanije u EU. Pored toga, kompanije mogu biti privremeno isključene iz javnih nabavki ili im može biti zabranjeno da plasiraju relevantne proizvode na tržište.

Vremenski okvir

  • Sledeći termin za često postavljana pitanja: jun
  • Dokument sa smernicama: July
  • Benchmark za zemlje: datum objavljivanja još nije poznat

EUDR Informacioni Sistem

Jun 2024:

  • API Testiranje usaglašenosti (Application Programming Interfaces) za kompanije
  • Dokumenti za obuku će biti objavljeni

Septembar 2024:

  • Period obuke

Sredina novembra 2024

  • Kompanije se mogu registrovati u Informacioni Sistem

Kako se pripremiti?

U pripremi za EUDR, morate uzeti u obzir sledeće aspekte:

1) Da li je vaša kompanija male ili srednje veličine, ili nije u kategoriji MSP (mikro, mala i srednja preduzeća)?

2) Analizirajte svoj lanac snabdevanja

Da li kupujete relevantne proizvode? (pogledajte Aneks 1 ili „Soja obuhvaćena EUDR-om“ ispod)

Ukoliko je vaš odgovor potvrdan:

– Koje informacije već imate o ovim proizvodima?

– Koje informacije nedostaju? (pogledajte Član 9 EUDR ili „Prikupljanje informacija“ ispod)

– Odakle nabavljam ove proizvode? (dobavljači, zemlje..)

– Koji su rizici?

– Šta mogu da preduzmem kako bih umanjio rizike?

3) Establish a timetable for the changes needed in your company.

This could include:

– Action plans towards EUDR compliance

– Involving suppliers – What do my suppliers know/do?

– Prepare IT system and look into API testing

– Analyse what tools and certifications are available and fit for your purpose

Uloga EU proizvođača i kompanija

Prema pravilima Svetske trgovinske organizacije (WTO) ne mogu se donositi posebna pravila za sopstveno tržište. Stoga, zahtevi EUDR-a moraju biti primenjeni i na relevantne proizvode uzgajane u EU. Član 13 – pojednostavljena dužna pažnja – omogućava pojednostavljen proces dužne pažnje za proizvode iz zemalja sa niskim rizikom, što bi trebalo da važi za većinu zemalja EU i Evrope (službena klasifikacija rizika zemalja od strane Evropske komisije očekuje se do kraja 2024* godine). Prema tome, poljoprivrednici i kompanije u EU koji koriste evropsku soju, zbog kraćih lanaca snabdevanja , mogu očekivati manje dodatnog napora u poređenju sa uvozom iz područja visokog rizika.

Prvi proces dužne pažnje i priprema prve DDS izjave uvek su obaveza prvog učesnika na tržištu koji se nalazi u EU, a koji plasira robu na tržište. Nakon toga, svaka kompanija koja kupuje i prodaje relevantne proizvode u EU mora popuniti DSS na osnovu prethodnih DDS izjava. Kompanije izvan EU ne mogu izdati DDS.

Proizvođači soje u EU su dužni da obezbede proizvodnju soje bez krčenja šuma i odgovoeni su za popunjavanje DDS izjave. Međutim, biće moguće ovlastiti naredni nivo lanca snabdevanja da popuni DDS (npr. skladište ili kooperativa).

*Ovaj proces može biti odložen. U tom slučaju, sve zemlje će početno biti klasifikovane kao zemlje sa standardnim rizikom.


Soja i proizvodi od soje obuhvaćeni EUDR-om

U Aneksu I EUDR-a navode se proizvodi na koje se odnose obaveze dužnje pažnje.

Za ove proizvode proces dužne pažnje mora biti završen i DDS izjava popunjena i učitana pre nego što se oni plasiraju ili izvezu na tržište EU. Ukoliko se radi o preradi sojinog zrna u sojino ulje, nova DDS izjava mora biti popunjena sa podacima o soji koja je korišćena tokom prerade.

Obaveza dužne pažnje za soju u stočnoj hrani, na primer, završava se kada dođe do potrošnje soje (osim za goveda, jer je sama govedina navedena u Aneksu I EUDR-a).

What does soya mean here?

Annex I of the Deforestation Regulation defines which products are covered and can be compared using the customs numbers:

  • 1201 Soya beans, whether or not broken
  • 1208 10 Soya bean flour and meal
  • 1507 Soya bean oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified
  • 2304 Oilcake and other solid residues resulting from the extraction of soya bean oil, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of soya-bean oil

The Due Diligence Process

First distributors on the EU market and large companies in the EU must use a three-stage due diligence process to ensure that their supply chains comply with the regulation and confirm this via the upload of a DDS.

Most EU and European countries are likely to be classified as low risk.  This leads to a so-called simplified due diligence process, which only consists of collecting information and does not require any risk assessment or mitigation. This means less bureaucracy for domestic soya.  

Graphic 1: Visualisation of three-staged EUDR due diligence process before relevant products are allowed to be sold on the EU market.

Information Collection 

The following information must always be collected and stored for five years according to the EUDR (Articel 9 Information requirements): 


Trade name and type 




Country / region of cultivation


Geolocation of all plots of land where the commodity was grown


Production- / harvest-date


Proof of legal compliance


Proof of deforestation-free cultivation


Name, address and e-mail address of company from whom and to whom the relevant products have been supplied (seller and customer)

Due Diligence Statement (DDS)

Before placing relevant goods on the EU market or exporting them, a DDS must be uploaded to a new EUDR Information System. Only then the goods may be traded.

Information that must be included in the DDS (Annex II):


Name and address of the market participant (including EORI number if applicable)


If applicable: reference numbers of existing DDS’s (e.g. when processing soya beans into oil)


Trade name and type




Country/ region of cultivation


Geolocation data of all plots of land where the relevant commodity was grown


Production- / harvest-date


Confirmation that the due diligence process has been applied and that the product is low risk

When is a DDS required?

Whenever affected soya products are made available, traders must ensure that the relevant information is passed on as part of the DDS.

When processing relevant products, e.g. soya beans into soya oil, a new DDS must be created with the information from all previous DDS’s.

The European Commission has yet to define when this should be done for ongoing processes. 

The Role of Donau Soja

Certified goods do not automatically guarantee compliance with the EUDR. Article 11 – Risk Mitigation –  mentions on-site audits and certification as an option for risk minimisation, but they do not relieve from the due diligence process or liability.

With Donau Soja / Europe Soya certified soya, it is ensured that the soya is deforestation- and conversion-free, with the cut-off date 2008, and produced in accordance with national legislation. Thus, the requirements of Donau Soja / Europe Soya are stricter than the EUDR requirements.

It is planned that farmers can provide all relevant information for the DDS as part of the Donau Soja self-declaration and the information will be passed on in our database and along the supply chain if desired. Donau Soja can thus provide the necessary information and facilitate the process for companies using Donau Soja / Europe Soya certified soya. The creation of the DDS must be done by companies themselves. The responsibility and liability remain with the companies that buy/sell relevant products.

Information Collection 

                *If required

Table 1: EUDR Information requirements (Article 9) and where Donau Soja / Europe Soya can help.

Due Diligence Statement (DDS)

*If required

Table 2: Requirements of the EUDR Due Diligence Declaration and where Donau Soja / Europe Soya can help.

Geolocalisation data

The geo-coordinates of all cultivation areas must be collected as part of the information collection and DDS, regardless of whether the product originates from low, standard or high-risk countries.

Additional requirements for farmers will mainly consist of collecting and sharing the geolocation data of all fields where soya has been grown.

An easy way to find out the geo-coordinates is to use digital online map services, such as Google Maps or similar programmes, and click on the relevant location. By simply clicking on the corresponding location, a marker is set (see red marker in graphic 2 on the right) and information about the location including the geo-data is displayed (see highlighted figures in yellow in graphic 2 on the right). 

It will probably also be possible to enter all of a farmer’s areas, regardless of whether soya was grown there in the respective year (so-called „Declaration in Excess“). This simplifies the process in subsequent years if soya is grown on a different section of land of the farmer.


Geodata requirements
  • Field area under four hectares: one geo-point is sufficient (this simplifies EUDR compliance for small farms )
  • More than four hectares: polygon information required (one geo-point for each corner of the plot) 
  • If soya is grown on multiple fields: all plots of lands must be specified, depending on their size either with one geo-data point (<4 hectares) or polygon (>4 hectares) 
  • Accuracy: six decimal places must be provided for each geo-point

Graphic 2: Illustration of geo-coordinates using Google Maps.

What is missing?


1. Guidance

There is an urgent need for clarity on the application of the EUDR and simple, pragmatic implementation, especially for farmers in low risk countries. The European Commission failed to issue guidelines for the implementation of the EUDR when it was adopted. The many unresolved issues are being worked out by a Commission Expert Group with members from the individual EU member states as well as selected organisations. Donau Soja is a member of the Expert Group since Dec 2023. Based on the work of the Expert Group, the FAQs are published at irregular intervals.

2. Scope

In terms of content, one of the biggest shortcomings is that land conversion of other sensitive ecosystems is not covered by the regulation. The EUDR already stipulates that there should be reviews and proposals for expansion. The first reviews in 2025 and 2026 include the topics of including „other wooded lands and ecosystems“, other raw materials such as maize, and the inclusion of financial institutions. After five years, the impact on trade, especially on small farmers, and possible trade facilitation measures will be reviewed. A thorough impact assessment would have been needed before the regulation came into force. Whether or not the regulation will be amended depends on the outcome of the respective review and the European Commission then responsible.

3. Sustainable Soya

Sustainable soya cultivation must take into account further issues such as the reduction of CO2 emissions, pesticide and fertiliser reduction, water management, soil management, protection of biodiversity, GM-free, varied crop rotations (no monocultures) and compliance with human and labour rights. Compliance with the EU Deforestation Regulation alone does not ensure sustainable supply chains. Strict cultivation standards that take these issues into account therefore remain an important tool for making EU supply chains more sustainable. 

Why should landscapes other than forests be protected?

In Brazil, for example, most land conversion for new agricultural land takes place in the Cerrado, the world’s most biodiverse savannah. The Cerrado is also extremely important for the water cycle in South America and interacts closely with the neighbouring Amazon rainforest. However, the largest parts of the Cerrado do not fall under the forest definition of the EUDR, hence are not protected under the regulation. Deforestation rates in the Amazon have fallen significantly under the new Brazilian government since the beginning of 2023 – but record areas are still being converted to agriculturar land in the Cerrado.

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