Quality Education


Quality Education

SDG 4 aims to ensure inclusive quality education and contribute to learning opportunities for all. The goal works towards equitable, and quality education for everyone, as well as affordable and quality technical, vocational, and tertiary education. Furthermore, it focuses on increasing the number of adults who have relevant skills for employment and entrepreneurship.

Donau Soja Organisation

Donau Soja supports the knowledge transfer to farmers as intended by SDG 4 through activities, such as trainings, field days, study visits, field visits, farmers manual and a Best Practices Manual to demonstrate agricultural aspects of soya beans. The objective of these activities is to improve and increase efficiency of (non-GM) soya bean production in the Danube region and Europe and share the knowledge that was developed together with agricultural experts. Beside sustainable agriculture practices Donau Soja is facilitating knowledge dissemination in the fields of quality management and certification as well as market development. Our activities within the Strategic Partnership facilitated access to knowledge to more than 8,000 beneficiaries, who have actively participated in a variety of technical and non-formal knowledge transfer events over the past six years. These engagements have led to the acquisition of valuable skills and expertise.

In addition to these accomplishments, Donau Soja played an integral role in the development of specialized university curricula (European Sustainable Soya Academy) through collaboration with two universities in Ukraine. Furthermore, as part of the DevRAM Project, supported by ADA and the EU, we have actively engaged in capacity development activities in conjunction with vocational schools in Moldova. As part of the DevRAM initiative, we also facilitated the establishment of a local vocational training center for adult education within the Selectia Institute. These efforts demonstrate our dedication to fostering sustainable agricultural practices and enhancing knowledge and skills within the regions we serve.

Donau Soja / Europe Soya Standard

To guarantee quality education as stated by SDG 4, the Donau Soja / Europe Soya Standard contributes indirectly through well-established work contracts and fair salary.

In the standards, Donau Soja requires that, all children living on the farm shall have access to quality primary school education (see principle 10). Decent wages for farm workers indirectly favour children’s education. The basic idea of prohibiting child labour also aims to ensure that children can attend school.


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