Microbiomes4Soy: Healthier diets and sustainable food and feed systems through microbiomes

6 June, 2024

This project aims to improve the environmental impact of soybean production, explore the effects of soybean consumption on the human gut microbiome and contribute to the development of novel fish feeds for the aquaculture sector.

Exploiting the microbiomes’ full potential is essential to ensure sustainable and nutritious food and feed as they are important players throughout the food system, ranging from primary production, where microbes improve plant growth and health, to food production based on microbial processes and ultimately linking to the interactions between animal/human microbiomes and host health.

Donau Soja is proud to be one of 17 partners of the 5-year EU-Horizon project. Read more:  Microbiomes4Soy – Donau Soja

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