Life-Cycle-Assessment (LCA) – Databases and Tools
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools are used to evaluate the environmental impact of a product, process, or service throughout its entire life cycle. Donau Soja publishes LCA datasets on the environmental impact of Donau Soja / Europe Soya certified soya beans in LCA databases and calculation tools, also in the currently very relevant SBTi FLAG format. The data includes values on the carbon footprint as well as data on additional environmental impact categories, such as land use and water use.
The data can be used for LCAs in order to calculate the impact on the environment through the use of Donau Soja / Europe Soya certified soya beans in comparison to conventional soya beans and thus show, for example, a reduction in the product carbon footprint (PCF) or corporate carbon footprint (CCF) for SBTi and CSRD.
Update 2025: New Donau Soja LCA data set for soybeans available that can be used for all growing countries. This makes it easier to conduct LCAs, as one single value can be used for all Donau Soja / Europe Soya quantities.
The environmental impact data of Donau Soja / Europe Soya certified soya beans are publicly and freely available as a so-called “branded dataset” via Blonk Consultant’s Agri-footprint database and the GFLI database. The datasets provide insights into the environmental performance of Donau Soja / Europe Soya soya beans at country level and are also available in SBTi-FLAG compliant format.
Companies that are interested in conducting Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) or assessing their Corporate Carbon Footprint can use the Donau Soja / Europe Soya datasets for certified soya beans.
Find our branded datasets for your carbon footprint calculations below:

Sustell™ is a life cycle assessment solution by dsm-firmenich, which helps to understand and improve feed and farm environmental footprints.
The Sustell™ Intelligence Platform is a user-friendly web-based platform for data input, measurement and visualization of full environmental footprint results:
Based on a full Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Precise calculation enables tangible and measurable improvements of feed and farm environmental footprints
Constantly updated and improved to meet user needs and evolving science, methodologies and the changing regulatory landscape and changing needs of animal protein producers and industry
Sustell™ allows you to calculate the farm- and feed-related emissions and shows the effect of changing diets or specific feed ingredients from a variety of countries of origin.
Benefit for Donau Soja partners and members
Donau Soja / Europe Soya LCA datasets are integrated within the tool and ready to use for your calculations.
Exclusive offer
Donau Soja members enjoy a discount on one user-license for Sustell™ for the first year.*
*conditions apply
Further information on the preferred terms for Donau Soja members are available on request.
Donau Soja
Veronika Platzer: