Invitation to online press conference with Ukrainian Minister of Agriculture on 5 September: Cultivating Partnership: Driving Europe’s soya success with Ukraine

30 August, 2024

Vienna/Kyiv. As Europe’s leading soybean producer, Ukraine plays a pivotal role in the continent’s agricultural future. The European organisation Donau Soja invites you on the occasion of the international agricultural Exchange “Donau Börse” in Vienna to an exclusive online press conference on 5 September featuring Golovnya Vitaliy, Ukraine’s Deputy Minister for Agrarian Policy and Food. The Minister will speak about the following issues:

  • Resilience and leadership in agricultural exports with a focus on soya;
  • EU accession and Ukraine Facility Plan as the key drivers of reforms;
  • Strategy for the Development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine until 2030;

In addition to the Deputy Minister’s issues Donau Soja’s experts will reveal the strategic significance of fostering sustainable growth in European soybean production in the light of Europe’s protein gap, the EU’s climate goals and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Donau Soja is driving a transformation in the soybean market, with Donau Soja Protein Partnerships leading the charge in boosting non-GM sustainable soya production in Europe for Europe.


  • Golovnya Vitaliy, Deputy Minister for Agrarian Policy and Food Ukraine
  • Susanne Fromwald, Secretary General Donau Soja; International Project Manager Protein Partnerships Donau Soja
  • Volodymyr Pugachov, Donau Soja Regional Director Eastern Europe & Executive Director Ukraine

Press conference date & time:
Thursday, 5 September 2024, 10 a.m. CET (Online via Zoom)

To participate, please register by emailing to (include your name, media outlet, country, email, and phone number). We will then provide you with the link to access the conference. The press conference is exclusively for journalists.

Ukraine’s agricultural sector has been grappling with ongoing challenges and logistical obstacles caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. In response, Ukraine has crafted a forward-looking strategy aimed at overcoming these hurdles as the country advances toward EU accession. With the largest agricultural sector in Europe, Ukraine’s harvests are not just vital for the EU but also crucial for countries worldwide that rely on agricultural imports.

Donau Soja in Ukraine
For the past seven years, Donau Soja has been working in Ukraine, driving the sustainable, non-GM and deforestation-free soybean cultivation and opening new markets for Ukrainian soybeans across Europe. This press conference will offer exclusive insights into these efforts and the strategic importance of Ukraine’s agriculture for the European and global food security.

On the same day, Donau Soja will be hosting a webinar on the European soybean harvest outlook for 2024 and market forecasts in the light of the new EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). If you wish to attend this webinar, please register separately on our website (link to registration). This webinar is open not only to journalists but also to the general public and may be announced in your media.

About Donau Soja
Donau Soja is a non-profit, independent association who supports its partners and members in progressing change to address social, environmental, and economic challenges in soya, legumes and protein production and consumption. This will increase efficiency, fairness and sustainability in European food and feed protein value chains. Donau Soja is supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).

Download press release
Download picture of Golovnya Vitaliy

Further inquiries and registration to the press conference:
Franko Petri, Head of Communications’
Donau Soja
Wiesinger Strasse 6/14
1100 Vienna/Austria

About donau soja

Donau Soja is a non-profit, independent association who supports its partners and members in progressing change to address social, environmental, and economic challenges in soya, legumes and protein production and consumption. This will increase efficiency, fairness and sustainability in European food and feed protein value chains. Donau Soja is supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).