Donau Soja and EIT Food kick off regenerative agriculture project in Serbia

6 June, 2024

The beginning of 2024 marked the launch of a collaboration between the Donau Soja Organisation and EIT Food, the world’s largest and most dynamic food innovation community. Over the next three years, the Donau Soja Organisation, in partnership with EIT Food, will implement the project titled “EIT Food Regenerative Agriculture Programme”  in Serbia, supporting farmers in their transition to regenerative agriculture practices.

In the first phase of the project, a two-day training session titled “Transition towards Regenerative Agriculture” was held in April in Serbia. The training brought together over 30 advanced and highly motivated farmers. Professors and experts delivered lectures on both theoretical and practical aspects of regenerative agriculture.

On the second day, participants visited a company that has successfully implemented regenerative agriculture for several years. This visit made a strong impression on the farmers, as they witnessed how the land regenerates and crops thrive with minimal environmental impact. For further details, please visit

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