Get ready for the EU Deforestation Regulation with

Crop Insights

Get ready for the EU Deforestation Regulation with Crop Insights

Crop Insights: The solution to accelerate your EUDR compliance – Powered by Donau Soja


Crop Insights is an innovative and advanced end-to-end software solution designed by Donau Soja to help European companies to comply with the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).

Donau Soja has over a decade of experience in developing deforestation- and land-conversion free, traceable and transparent soybean supply chains across Europe. Based on this expertise, we have created an advanced tool to help companies overcome their biggest challenges in achieving EUDR compliance. Crop Insights covers all EUDR due diligence steps, from geodata collection to the creation of the Due Diligence Statements (DDS). Beyond Donau Soja/Europe Soya certified soya, Crop Insights can also be used for non-certified soya coming from supply chains from Europe and South America. It provides a simple and efficient end-to-end tool for all European companies. 

Crop Insights: The solution to accelerate your EUDR compliance – Powered by Donau Soja


Crop Insights is an innovative and advanced end-to-end software solution designed by Donau Soja to help European companies to comply with the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).

Donau Soja has over a decade of experience in developing deforestation- and land-conversion free, traceable and transparent soybean supply chains across Europe. Based on this expertise, we have created an advanced tool to help companies overcome their biggest challenges in achieving EUDR compliance. Crop Insights covers all EUDR due diligence steps, from geodata collection to the creation of the Due Diligence Statements (DDS). Beyond Donau Soja/Europe Soya certified soya, Crop Insights can also be used for non-certified soya coming from supply chains from Europe and South America. It provides a simple and efficient end-to-end tool for all European companies. 

How can Crop Insights help you?

Missing geodata? Look no further!

Crop Insights’ automated geodata collection tools allow you to capture high-resolution boundaries of all production plots. Say goodbye to manual plot mapping and ensure accurate geodata integration.

Map your supply chain for complete traceability down to the plot!

Manage your supply chain while onboarding an unlimited number of partners and ensure seamless data distribution along the supply chain.

Ensure deforestation-free compliance with the EUDR 2020 cut-off date.

Powered by high-resolution satellite imagery and machine learning, Crop Insights delivers precise insights into deforestation and land use changes. This empowers you to proactively address risks and maintain deforestation-free supply chains.

Streamline proofs of legality.

Easily manage and receive legality documents from each supplier and plot to confirm compliance with the relevant legislation of the production country.

Secure data storage.

Crop Insights ensures the safeguarding of all records for five years and makes them available for checks by Competent Authorities.

Generate and submit Due Diligence Statements (DDS) directly to the EUDR Due Diligence Registry.


Navigating the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) can be complex – but you don’t have to do it alone. Our expert Guidance and Advisory support helps you meet EUDR requirements with confidence through the entire due diligence process.

Let’s make EUDR compliance seamless together!

Join us today!

Crop Insights will launch soon! If you are interested and would like to receive further information, please contact us at