Looking for Carbon Credits?
Carbon Credits are used primarily as a way to offset greenhouse gas emissions, allowing companies to claim a reduction of their emissions without actually cutting the emissions.
In the wake of SBTi and CSRD, more and more companies are looking for ways to reduce their CO2 emissions. However, carbon credits cannot be counted towards SBTi and CSRD – the first step is to reduce CO2 in the supply chains (Scope 3), so called insetting.
Donau Soja offers two solutions here:
Protein Partnerships – a sustainable alternative to credits from overseas
Protein Partnerships are designed as an alternative to carbon credits from overseas. Protein Partnerships are a simple tool for supporting and building up safe and sustainable, deforestation-free non-GMO soya production in Europe. They also strengthen the first link in the physical value chain, as well as investing in training and certifying farmers and primary collectors.
Why choose Protein Partnership instead of carbon credits?
1. Support for sustainable agriculture: The programme facilitates farmer trainings and covers certification costs of the farms and primary collectors, ensuring that the first step in the physical flow of sustainably produced soya is secured.
2. Reducing environmental footprint: By increasing deforestation- and conversion-free non-GM soya production in Europe, Protein Partnerships help to lower the carbon footprint associated with transporting and importing soya from deforestation-risk areas, making it the greener choice for companies committed to sustainability.
3. Investment in local communities: Revenue generated through Protein Partnerships is reinvested into local agriculture, supporting farmers and primary collectors in adopting sustainable practices that are beneficial for both the environment and the community.
Find out more about Protein Partnership here.